Universe Speaks in Numbers

Phil Anderson: ‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ podcast

Phil Anderson was one of the most creative theoretical physicists of the past century. A specialist in the science of solids, he made influential contributions to our understanding of magnetism, discovered the important phenomenon of Anderson localisation (the absence of diffusion waves in disordered media).

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Martin Rees: ‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ podcast

Martin Rees, a former President of the Royal Society, is one of the most accomplished cosmologists of the past half-century. ….

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Photograph of Lord Rees of Ludlow Martin Rees

Zohar Komargodski: ‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ podcast

Based at the Simons Center at Stony Brook, Zohar Komargodski is one of the most brilliant young theoretical physicists. ….

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Stony Brook, NY; Stony Brook University: Zohar Komargodski – Professor (Simons Center for Geometry and Physics), Ph.D., Weizmann Institute was awarded the 2018 Sackler Prize in the Physical Sciences

Simon Donaldson: ‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ podcast

Sir Simon Donaldson is one of the most accomplished mathematicians of the past fifty years. He did made some of his most influential research when he was developing gauge theories, ….

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Douglas Stanford and Pedro Vieira: ‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ interviews

Douglas Stanford and Pedro Vieira are two of the most brilliant young theoretical physicists, both seeking to understand nature at its finest level.

Douglas Stanford

Pedro Vieira

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‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ Álvarez-Gaumé podcast


Fundamental physics and pure mathematics have never been so closely intertwined. Over the past few decades, some of the world’s leading theoretical physicists and mathematicians explored these connections at the Simons Center at Stony Brook University. …

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‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ Britto podcast


Collisions between fundamental particles – each with neither shape nor size – are one step up from nothingness. Over the past decade or so, theoreticians have studied them intensely, ….

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‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ – Susskind podcast


Black holes have become one of the liveliest areas of research into theoretical physics. By thinking about these cosmic objects, using quantum theory and relativity, theorists are clarifying our understanding of information, gravity and the other fundamental forces of nature. Stanford University’s Lenny Susskind is one of the leaders in this field.

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Podcasts Preview

Leonard Susskind lecturing in front of a blackboard

‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ – Interviews to become a podcast

Following hundreds of requests, Graham’s interviews with leading physicists and mathematicians will be available as a podcast.

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‘The Universe Speaks in Numbers’ – Interview 14


Soon after the Second String Theory Revolution, which began in 1995, membranes became widely acknowledged to be a crucial part of our understanding of the inner workings of Nature. Graham’s guest in this edition is the membrane pioneer Michael Duff.

Listen to the interview