Kavli’s writer in residence
Graham has recently left the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at University of California having spent the past six weeks as its writer in residence. He was able to attend the workshops on quantum gravity and quantum entanglement, and to interview several physicists, including Nobel prize winner David Gross, Breakthrough Prize winner Juan Maldacena, Eva Silverstein and Steve Giddings.

During his stay in California, Graham took the opportunity to visit the Stanford linear Excelerator, and to meet the great experimentalist Burton Richter, and also the versatile theorist Lance Dixon, who hosted Graham’s visit to Stanford.
Graham said ‘the Kavli Institute is a wonderful place and I can well understand its great international reputation. I particularly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and the many opportunities to talk with the participating scientists. Santa Barbara is also perfectly gorgeous location. I’m looking forward to starting to write my book in the next few weeks.’